France will punish non recycled plastic products next year.

France plans to impose a penalty system next year to raise the cost of non-renewable plastic packaging as part of France's commitment to use only renewable plastic nationwide by 2025, an environment ministry official said recently.

Brune Poirson, the French Secretary of state for ecological transformation, said the move was one of several initiatives to be implemented in the coming years, including a deposit-and-refund scheme for plastic bottles.

"Declaring war against plastic is not enough. We need to reform the French economy. " She told the Sunday newspaper.

Poirson said that under the new plan, the cost of using recycled plastic packaging products can be reduced by 10%, while the cost of using non-recycled plastic packaging products will be increased by 10%.

"If you could choose between two bottles, one made of recycled plastic and the other not, the first would be cheaper," she said.

Emmanuel Guichard of the Elipso Plastic Packaging Manufacturers Association welcomed the plan, but was cautious.

"For bottles, let consumers have a choice is OK. But we must not forget anything else - there is no recyclable plastic available for yogurt cans now. He said.

Flore Berlingen, of the French Zero Waste Association, said: "We want businesses to participate in the game so that customers won't be punished for the new measures."

The French government also plans to increase taxes on landfills and cut taxes on recycling operations in the hope of tackling the growing problem of plastics flowing into the sea.

Recently, France and several other countries have been hit by a wave of "plastic attacks". In these countries, shoppers discarded all purchases purchased outside the store.

Poirson said: "when the cost of recycling plastic is higher, excessive packaging will decrease."

According to 6 million consumer magazine, France now recycles about 25% of the total plastic.

France has banned disposable plastic bags in supermarkets unless they compost, hoping to encourage people to shop in their own bags.

Carrefour and Le Claire supermarket chains also said they would stop selling plastic straws in the coming months until a law banned them in 2020.

The European Commission also wants to drastically reduce the use of disposable plastic products, announcing rules in May requiring companies to use alternative materials and to take incentives for related businesses.

Over the past 10 years, global plastics output has soared more than 40%, mainly for packaging.